Lowdim takes part in one of the 20 consortiums of the 1st-phase of the Quantum Flagship

tip The group formed by Daniel Andrés Penares, Marie Kreĉmarová, Alejandro Molina Sánchez, Juan F. Sánchez Royo and Juan P. Martínez Pastor, takes part in one of the 20 consortiums selected for the first phase of the Quantum Flagship. This consortium is called S2QUIP ‘Scalable Two-Dimensional Quantum Integrated Photonics’. In this project, researchers will develop quantum photonics through the integration of two-dimensional semiconductor materials compatible with CMOS technology, which is widely used in the fabrication of traditional integrated circuits.


Institutional news

website of the S2QUIP Consortium

Mariluz Martínez defends her PhD work

tip Mariluz Martínez Marco defends her PhD work “Nanocomposites plasmónicos: síntesis, caracterización y aplicaciones”, which has been supervised by Dr. Pedro J. Rodríguez-Cantó and Dr. Rafael Abargues-López.

We wish her the best in her career.

Alberto Maulu defends his PhD work

tip Alberto Maulu defends his PhD work “Solution-processable PbS QD-solid photodetectors for telecommunication applications” which has been supervised by Prof. Juan P. Martínez-Pastor and Dr. Pedro J. Rodríguez-Cantó.

Our best wishes to his career.

Our former student, Mauro Brotons i Gisbert, received the Award of the University of Valencia for his PhD work

tip Dr. Mauro Brotons i Gisbert obtained the extraordinary doctoral award for his PhD Work Optical and electronic properties of the two-dimensional materials InSe, WSe2 and MoS2; supervised by Dr. Juan Fco. Sánchez Royo


More info:

Applied Physics Department news

Institutional news



A new photoemission system to study the electronic properties of matter

tip The project IDIFEDER-2018/055, supported by the Generalitat Valenciana through FEDER founds, will make available a new photoemission system able to determine the electronic and chemical properties of matters. The acquired equipment will even provide the possibility the 3D determination of the spin of photoelectrons. This would be the first equipment in Spain able to provide an ARPES and XPS study of the spin of photoelectrons in the 3 projections.

PhD event

tip The next Monday 10st of November, David Rivas will defend his PhD project. We desire him the best.

Article in Advanced Materials on high-performance FET based on InSe

tip This paper appearing in Advanced Materials

Back Gated Multilayer InSe Transistors with Enhanced Carrier Mobilities via the Suppression of Carrier Scattering from a Dielectric Interface

reports on the effects of substrate to limit the versatitily of InSe nanosheets as FE transistors.


More info in:


MoS2 flakes with odd number of layers is piezoelectric

tip  This paper published in nature describes piezoelectric properties of odd number of MoS2 layers for energy conversion and piezotronics.

More info:


Graphene & MoS2 work together to improve Transistor performance

tip The paper published in Nano Letters:

“Graphene/MoS2 Hybrid Technology for Large-Scale Two-Dimensional Electronics”

States that the tuning of graphene work function improves the performance of MoS2 transistors in graphene/MoS2 devices.

You can find it in: http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/nl404795z

Our InSe-flakes paper in Nano Research already available

tip Our manuscript accepted for publication in Nano Reseach

“Electronic structure, optical properties, and lattice dynamics in atomically thin Indium Selenide flakes”

is already available in its final form.

The full work can be found in http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs12274-014-0516-x

Thanks all authors for their work!!!

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